Investor Relations Policy
As listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen Højgaard Holding A/S is obliged:
- to publish adequate information as soon as possible about decisions and other matters and circumstances relating to the Højgaard Holding group which, as Internal Knowledge, may be assumed to have a significant effect on the pricing of Højgaard Holding A/S class A shares and class B shares, including ensuring that all market participants have equal access to this information.
- to comply with ”Rules for issuers of shares”, including ”Disclosure requirements for issuers of shares”.
The Højgaard Holding A/S information policy is to maintain a high and uniform information level to ensure that all stakeholders receive all share price relevant information about the group companies in a quick and efficient manner. Information is primarily provided by the publication of stock exchange announcements.
On the entering of new contracts in the MT Højgaard group, publication will be made as Internal Knowledge where orders are:
- of such a size that they will significantly affect the group’s expected results and financial development and thus the pricing.
Other significant orders may be published via Press Releases.
Information on significant legal disputes, etc. will be published, where it is expected that it will cause previously published expectations to the expected results or the financial development to be changed.
MT Højgaard group has established procedures and business routines to ensure that Højgaard Holding A/S in due time receives the information required to meets its disclosure obligations towards the market and its stakeholders.
Stock exchange announcements, including annual reports and interim reports are available at the website of Højgaard Holding A/S immediately after publication. It is possible to receive such news directly by subscribing to the e-mail service on the company’s website.
Søren Bjerre-Nielsen, chairman of the board, and Anders Heine Jensen, CEO, are responsible for communications regarding Højgaard Holding A/S.
For a period of three weeks before scheduled annual reports and interim reports, representatives from the Højgaard Holding group (including the MT Højgaard group) will:
- Not comment on reports from analysts
- Not discuss financial matters with investors and analysts
- Not participate in meetings with investors and financial analysts
Periodical meetings with analysts and investors in connection with quarterly financial reporting are primarily held by the management of MT Højgaard A/S, which is Højgaard Holding A/S’ main activity. Where MT Højgaard participates in other major meetings with analysts and investors, any presentation material from such meetings will be published on the website of Højgaard Holding A/S.
Højgaard Holding A/S recommends all shareholders to have their shares registered by name in the company’s register of shareholders. Communication with the company’s shareholders is done electronically. Stock exchange announcements, annual reports and interim reports can be downloaded from the company’s website.
For further information please contact:
Højgaard Holding A/S
Knud Højgaards Vej 7
DK-2860 Søborg
Telephone +45 4520 1500
September, 2017
As listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen Højgaard Holding A/S is obliged to publish adequate information as soon as possible about decisions and other matters and circumstances relating to the Højgaard Holding group which may be assumed to have a significant effect on the pricing of Højgaard Holding A/S class A shares and class B shares, including ensuring that everyone has equal access to this information.
The Højgaard Holding A/S information policy is to maintain a high and uniform information level to ensure that all stakeholders receive all share price relevant information about the group companies in a quick and efficient manner.
Information is primarily provided by the publication of stock exchange announcements. In this connection, a decision has been taken to the effect that on the entering of new contracts in the MT Højgaard group one of the criteria of publication shall be whether the value of the contract in question exceeds 350 million DKK. It will also appear from the stock exchange announcement whether the decision in question causes previously published expectations to the financial development to be changed or not.
Stock exchange announcements, annual reports and interim reports are available at the website of Højgaard Holding A/S immediately after publication. It is possible to receive such news directly by subscribing to the e-mail service on this website.
Meetings with analysts and investors are normally held together with the management of MT Højgaard A/S, which is the group’s main activity. Søren Bjerre-Nielsen, chairman of the board, and Ditlev Fløistrup, CEO, are responsible for communications.
For a period of three weeks before scheduled annual reports and interim reports, Højgaard Holding A/S will:
- Not comment on reports from analysts
- Not discuss financial matters with investors and analysts
- Not participate in meetings with investors and financial analysts
Højgaard Holding A/S recommends all shareholders to have their shares registered by name in the company’s register of shareholders. Communication with the company’s shareholders is done electronically. Stock exchange announcements, annual reports and interim reports can be downloaded from the company’s website.
For further information please contact:
Højgaard Holding A/S
Smakkedalen 4, 1st floor
DK-2820 Gentofte
Telephone: +45 4520 1500